Break Through Life 

About Irene Peralez

A Few Words...

About Irene Peralez

Irene Peralez studied at the Tad James Company., LLC. She achieved her credentials as Master Practitioner Level training in TimeLine Therapy; Master Coach, Master Practitioner NeuroLinguistic Programming. She is also certified as a Master Hypnotist. She is dedicated to her family, friends, and clients. She has a spirit of righteousness in everything she commits herself too. Despite all the challenges she has faced in her life she has gone that extra mile to achieve her greatest benefits. Although, she did not enjoy leaping over hurdles dealing with obstacles, she understood they are part of her journey. In fact, as Irene leaps through hoops, she always keeps in her memory one of Albert Einstein’s greatest quotes, “It’s not that I’m so smart it’s just that I’ve stayed with problems longer.” Irene’s ultimate purpose is always to rise in every challenge she faces. This permits her not to quit enabling herself to help others rise from their own challenges so they too can achieve their goals.

Irene declares she is a Certified Female from Fort of Hard Knox. She is self-motivated and always sees the light at the end of the tunnel. She can literally discern the revelation to the core of her soul.

Furthermore, as an aspiring life coach, Irene understands to live to her highest potential. She is a virtuous therapist because she tells herself just Don’t quit just DO it. Finally, through many things she has learned built character and has matured through the inspiration of not only helping herself but helping other people.

Hypnosis can help
free you from

Trouble sleeping
Eating Disorders
Relation Difficulties (family/Spouse)
Self Esteem
Habits & Behaviors
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